Our Governors

Fiona Fletcher-Smith, Chair

Fiona is currently Chief Executive at L&Q, one of the UK’s largest charitable housing associations. She is also Chair of the Centre for London, and later this Spring will step down as Chair of the G15, the group of London’s largest housing associations.

Fiona brings a wealth of experience, particularly in terms of regeneration, working in regulated sectors and leading big organisations. She lives in Croydon with her family.

Contact the Chair of the Old Palace School Committee on cog@oldpalace.croydon.sch.uk

Warwick Jones

Warwick was educated at Trinity School and Pembroke College, Cambridge. After
qualifying as a chartered accountant in 1976 he spent most of his career in financial
services and banking. He was finance director of a number of commercial
organisations until 2006, when he was appointed Finance Director of the Bank of
England, a position he held until he retired in 2013. He is the Treasurer of the
charity Family Lives, a national charity supporting parents and the wider family,
and a member of the Council of the Trinity Midwhitgiftian Association, the school’s
former pupils’ association. Warwick has been a member of the Audit Committee of
Surrey County Cricket Club for a number of years, and is currently Interim Treasure

Jerry Rayner, Safeguarding Governor

Jerry Rayner has over 20 years’ experience as a teacher in both the state and independent sectors, working in both the UK and the Netherlands.

She believes in the transformative power of education and is passionate about lifelong learning. She has a degree in English Literature and the History of Art from the University of Reading and a Masters in Victorian Studies from Birkbeck College, University of London.

Most recently, Jerry held the position of Head of Sixth Form at the British School of Amsterdam and has much expertise in promoting the wellbeing of students.  In her spare time, she likes to knit and has a particular interest in knitting patterns from the first half of the twentieth century and in the knitting traditions of Shetland and Norway. She is delighted to be able to support the school through its final year in the crucial area of safeguarding.

Roxanna Sarkar-Patel

Roxanna Sarkar-Patel attended Old Palace School from 2002-2010. Roxanna studied French at University College London and during this time, spent a year abroad working for the British Council. During this time, she worked as an English Language Assistant at one of the top tier culinary schools in Western France. Since graduating, she has attended law school and is now a qualified solicitor.

In her spare time, Roxanna often dedicates time to diversity and inclusion initiatives and has worked with several organisations over the years. Roxanna has always held cherished memories of her time at Old Palace and strongly believes that the guidance and teaching she received from a range of brilliant teachers undoubtedly helped her to build her personality and strengthen her core skills, both of which have been essential to achieving goals in her professional life. Roxanna is so pleased to be part of the school’s development and future, in her role as governor.