CCF Camp at Mereworth Army Training Centre

In half term, a group of Year 10 CCF cadets experienced a challenging but memorable three days at the Mereworth Army Training Centre.

Fatima writes: When we arrived at the woods, we put our big heavy bergens down and we were taken outside for some survival lessons to help us for the next day’s activities. We learnt how to cook rations outside and how to use two groundsheets to build a basher for us to sleep in.  We also learnt about different Army positions and different types of patrol the Army do.

The next day, we were given our guns.  We were not allowed to take them off at all for the next 24 hours and when we slept, we had to sleep with them next to us! We got to have a go at firing blanks and at a target in the woods. We then split into two groups to do Recce Patrols (which is when you spy on the enemy to gather information). We also had to take it in turns to stay up and keep watch for enemy forces until midnight.

On the final day, we ambushed the enemy forces that we had spied on the night before. Then we then had another practice at shooting at targets.  We also learnt to clean our weapons.

The trip was a very memorable experience that I really enjoyed and learnt a lot from. I enjoyed every moment of it and cannot wait for the next one. We are all very grateful to the staff at Whitgift School and Ms Richards and Mrs Scott for putting together the trip and making it so much fun.

Fatima, Year 10