Children’s Mental Health Week at Prep

Children’s Mental Health Week runs from 6-10th February, and Mrs Elliott and the Wellbeing Prefects are raising awareness by organising a whole host of exciting activities.

Connect Monday: during form time and lunchtime in the playground and the quiet room, pupils will find a range of activities on offer, all designed to get the girls mixing and building new connections with other pupils, both within their classes and year groups. Mrs Panteli is leading two assemblies, one for Early Years and KS1 and another for KS2.

Be Active Tuesday: in addition to their usual swimming and PE lessons, each class will choose an additional physical activity, such as a class walk on the field, fitness bingo or yoga.

Keep Learning Wednesday: we are asking parents to help their daughter write ‘2 truths and a lie’ about themselves to share with their classmates. We are looking forward to finding out many new things about each other.

Take Notice Thursday: we will introduce gratitude jars in each class, into which the girls can post anything they feel grateful for.

Give Friday: Undercover Kindness. On Monday, each girl will be given the name of another girl in the class to be kind to throughout the week. On Friday, they will be asked to guess who was being kind to them and identify the acts of kindness that had a positive impact on them.

Dress to Express: girls will also be invited to wear their own clothes to school as a way of celebrating who they are expressing what is important to them.  There will also be a Family Fun Run!

Channel 4’s Taskmaster: Channel 4’s Taskmaster has teamed up with Place2Be to get children puzzle and problem solving. Here is a photo of Year 6’s rainbow.