GCSE Dance at Old Palace

GCSE Dance is a very popular subject at Old Palace. Here, some of our students have written about what Dance means to them.

‘Since the start of our GCSE Dance course, we have focused on the meaning of fitness for a dancer. We have become increasingly knowledgeable about how to use our bodies and how to develop stronger core muscles and greater extension by performing a variety of stretches. We have looked closely at diet and nutrition and how to adapt an eating plan to become healthier and to be the best dancers we can be.’

Ingrid Year 10 GCSE Dance

‘In GCSE Dance, our first performance piece was adapted from the work, ‘Shadows’ by Christopher Bruce. I thoroughly enjoyed understanding and re-enacting the powerful message from the piece and our final performance made me feel exhilarated and excited for future performances.’

Sarra, Year 10 GCSE Dance

‘I have really enjoyed studying GCSE Dance this year. I have learnt a range of physical and expressive skills and my favourite part of learning the set phrases was working on the artistry of the pieces. Whilst working on last term’s performance piece, I have grown closer to the other girls as we each contributed our own interpretations to the dance. The costumes we were given, helped to reflect the mood of the piece and our use of a chair as a prop, provided lots of creative opportunities. Whilst performing in front of an audience, we worked hard whilst supporting one another.’

Vasha, Year 10 GCSE Dance

‘I enjoy the choreographic aspects of the GCSE Dance course because they allow you to express yourself and your views and to be open with the audience. I have explored my creativity by working with others in my group and look forward to Year 11, when I will choreograph my own group dance.’

Temi, Year 10 GCSE Dance