Old Palace Remembers HRH Prince Phillip

Our thanks to alumnae Janet Dean for sharing a photo from The Croydon Advertiser of the time (1960) when HRH Prince Phillip visited Old Palace.
Janet writes:
“The Duke did indeed stray from the red carpet to talk to the girls and momentarily worked his way along until coming to stand in front of me whereupon he asked me directly if I, and those around me were not awfully cold and he explained that they had been caught in traffic. I curtsied and addressing him as Sir, insisted we were not, only excited at the chance of meeting with him and The Queen. The moment was then forever etched on my mind and this photograph remains testament in a frame in my sitting room”.
She adds: “Today is a very sad day for a life well lived of a unique man who was selfless in his service and duty to The Queen, his country and its people. An example to all and whom leaves the most amazing legacy”.
If any alumnae has photos/memories from the times HRH Prince Phillip visited Old Palace, do send them to Nicola Berry: nberry@oldpalace.croydon.sch.uk