OP Team Successfully Completes CanSat Regional Launch

On the 29th of March, we attended the regional launch for our CanSat at Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome, in Chelmsford.

There were two teams representing our school.  Our CanSats were each fired by a rocket to a height of 1000 ft.  It was amazing that the primary and secondary missions of both teams were successful.  The primary mission, set by the European Space Agency, was to measure atmospheric temperature and pressure.

Team AstroOPS’ secondary mission was to track the trajectory of the CanSat using a GPS and to measure its acceleration in the X, Y and Z axis during flight.  Team OPSonomy’s secondary mission was equally challenging – they had to measure levels of UV at different heights using a UV sensor.  We were able to receive data from our respective satellites throughout the flight, to the delight of our ground station operators!

We would like to thank Mrs Aubeeluck for tirelessly helping us throughout this journey.