Pre School & Reception Visit Godstone Farm

On the first official day of Spring (21st March), the sun shone as Pre School and Reception set off in the mini buses to visit Godstone Farm.

Pre School and Reception enjoyed a very exciting trip to Godstone Farm as part of their topic Ready Steady Grow. The weather was perfect for Farmer Selma to show them around the farm and introduce the animals, some of whom even had babies.

The girls were very lucky to see some newly born lambs and piglets. They helped to feed the sheep and pigs before going into the barn to be shown the 96 year old tortoise called George, a bearded dragon called Ginny and even a cockroach! There were so many animals; rabbits, ducks, alpacas, goats, donkeys and the delightful Shetland ponies who were very curious. The farmer was keen for them to see everything and test their knowledge of baby animals!

After a lovely picnic lunch outside, they enjoyed a final activity in the farmhouse garden. The children tried digging and found worms, they closely observed different types of seed and found out that soil can be very different too when they tried to mould it into shapes. They also tried their hand at pollinating with glitter and helped to fill the raised bed with compost ready for planting. It was hard work!

The girls had a great experience and would love to go back again!