Prep Celebrates World Maths Day

Last Wednesday, we celebrated World Maths Day at Prep. Each member of staff was given a special badge to wear with a number on it. The badges were different mathematical shapes. Mrs Wallis took photos of all the staff for the girls to see. Everyone from Pre-School to Year 6 then took part in special quizzes with very mathematical themed questions:

Draw the same number of spots on the Ladybird as Mrs Noel’s number.
Miss Hawkes’s number + Mrs Wellington’s number?
Mrs Wallis’s number multiplied by the number of sides on
Miss Jenkin’s shape.

During the day, the girls from Reception to Year 6 also had the opportunity to use Mathletics to play different activities. The girls in Year 1 to 6 could earn points for the school by playing 20 ‘Live’ games across different levels of ability. Mathletics is used around the world and on Wednesday over 296,000 students worldwide participated and together played over 2.5 million rounds of live maths!

Year 3 also enjoyed using stopwatches on World Maths Day as part of our focus on the topic of Time to record how long it took their maths partners to do a variety of activities ranging from doing ten star jumps to writing out the words to Happy Birthday.

It was a very busy day celebrating maths and learning and shortly after the event Mrs Wallis learnt some very exciting news:
Year 3 and Year 5 did particularly well on the Live Mathletics!
Year 3 were ranked 8th in the Country and 73rd across the World out of all the Year 3 groups who entered.
Year 5 were ranked 14th in the Country and 93rd across the World out of all the Year 5 groups who entered.

Congratulations to all the girls in Year 3 and Year 5 and well done to all the girls in Prep who participated. Your certificates are on their way!