Year 10 Excel in Physics Olympiad Challenge

Physics Olympiad Success

Our Year 10 students performed commendably in this year’s Physics Olympiad Junior Challenge.

The Challenge is a national competition designed to engage and challenge Year 10 students of all abilities by offering them a range of problems to solve. Although most of the questions were based around the current GCSE curriculum, students were able to gain more marks with a general knowledge in physics as well as a keen interest in practical work from their lessons. Some general knowledge and everyday interest in physics was also an advantage in tackling the two papers making up the task.

Cecily and Celeste excelled, both achieving the Gold award. Six students  – Rebecca, Clodagh, Rinii, Flora, Neha, Feran, Aliya and Jeevikkaa secured the Silver award and a further 51 attained the Bronze.

Congratulations to Year 10 for their impressive individual and collective achievements.