Year 2 & 6 Eco Prefects Trip to Kew Gardens

Last Friday, Year 2 pupils together with the Year 6 Eco prefects enjoyed a day out at Kew Gardens. This exciting, full day of learning included the 90 minute workshop ‘Become a Kew Horticulturalist’ as well as time in the Palm House and the Children’s Playground.

My favourite part was getting to be outside all day with my friends because usually we learn inside!’ Amelia

I found out that the yellow centre of a daisy is actually lots of individual tiny flowers!’ Avia

I looked through a microscope and saw the teeny tiny flowers inside the middle of the daisy!’  Lyla

I learnt lots.  Did you know that the hairs on the stem of a plant help stop the minibeasts from piercing in and sucking all of the nutrients?’ Aiyana

My favourite part was the Palm House because I discovered many unusual plants and flowers.’ Michaella

I enjoyed eating lunch in a huge tent and visiting the four different playgrounds!’  Sienna

Katherine ‘I found out that carrot seeds are one of the smallest seeds in the world’.

Arabella and I held a huge coco de mer seed –I think it’s the world’s largest seed!’  Avia